Ebook Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers
Beschreibung Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers
Social workers regularly make high-risk, high-impact decisions: determining that a child has been abused; that an individual may take their own life; or that someone with a history of violence poses harm to another. In the course of this work, social workers are exposed to acute and prolonged workplace trauma and stress that may result in posttraumatic stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout. These effects not only impact practitioners, but also the decisions that social workers make and ultimately the quality of the services that they provide.In this book, Cheryl Regehr explores the intersection between workplace stress, trauma exposure, and professional decision-making in social workers. She weaves together practice experience, research on the impact of stress and trauma on performance and decision-making in other high-risk professions including paramedics and police officers, and the empirical study of competence and decision-making in social work practice. Covering a wide range of research and theory, she surveys practical approaches to reducing stress and trauma exposure, mitigating their effects in social work practice, and improving decision-making. This book is critical reading for all social workers who engage in high-stakes decision-making, from those newly embarking on a career to expert practitioners.
Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers ebooks
Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers ~ Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers / Regehr, Cheryl / ISBN: 9780231180139 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers ~ Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers / Cheryl Regehr / ISBN: 9780231180122 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers ~ Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers (English Edition) eBook: Cheryl Regehr: : Kindle-Shop
Stress, Trauma, and Decision-Making for Social Workers ~ In this book, Cheryl Regehr explores the intersection between workplace stress, trauma exposure, and professional decision-making in social workers. She weaves together practice experience, research on the impact of stress and trauma on performance and decision-making in other high-risk professions including paramedics and police officers, and the empirical study of competence and decision-making in social work practice. Covering a wide range of research and theory, she surveys practical .
Soziales Trauma / springermedizin ~ Soziales Trauma betrifft umschriebene Opfergruppen und findet in einem gesellschaftlichen Kontext statt. Die Klassifikation von Traumafolgestörungen im DSM-5 mit seiner gewollten Nicht-Unterscheidung zwischen verschiedenen Arten des traumatischen Ereignisses klammert solche sozialen Faktoren traumatogener Pathologien aus.
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Soziales Trauma: Balance finden in einer unsicheren Welt ~ Soziales Trauma: Balance finden in einer unsicheren Welt / St. Just, Anngwyn / ISBN: 9783466306886 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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How Childhood Trauma Adversely Affects Decision-Making ~ Pollak's experiment addressed this by suggesting that altered brain activation leads to poor judgment in decision making. "Something about the stress of early childhood is changing the brain systems that allow us to attend to information that might signal potential risk or loss," he said. The study's findings also suggest that, for cities, building more jails and ramping up punishments for .
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(PDF) Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice ~ Social workers frequently encounter clients with a history of trauma. Trauma-informed care is a way of providing services by which social workers recognize the prevalence of early adversity in the .
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Bücher zum Thema Trauma - dgptw ~ Stress im Beruf? Wenn schon, dann aber richtig! Gottfried Fischer, Christiane Eichenberg, Kurt Mosetter, Reiner Mosetter Wege aus der Stress-Vermeidungsspirale. 2. Auflage 2014, 170 Seiten, 50 Bilder und Abbildungen. ISBN: 3-89334-459-4 Rezensionen anzeigen und mehr Informationen anzeigen Hier bestellen. Kölner Dokumentationssystem für Psychotherapie und Traumabehandlung (KÖDOPS) Gottfried .
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Traumatischer Stress / SpringerLink ~ Traumatischer Stress entsteht durch überwältigende persönliche Katastrophen, wie z. B. Gewalttätigkeiten, Naturkatastrophen, Kampf, Menschenrechtsverletzungen und dem plötzlichen Tod geliebter.
Stärkende Ansätze aus der Traumapädagogik ~ Stress unterstützen zu können. Die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse liegen vor und jetzt brauchen wir in den Einrichtungen Menschen, die kompetent dazu beitragen, dass kindliche Traumata aufgefangen und dass Folgeschäden (post - traumatische Belastungsstörungen) verhindert werden. Im Verlauf der letzten Jahre sehen sich pädagogische Fachkräfte vermehrt . mit den Folgen von psychischen .
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What Every New Social Worker Needs To KnowTrauma ~ Understanding that trauma is widespread, and not assuming that physical ailments are psychosomatic, helps to stress the benefits in becoming a trauma informed social worker. The second key component uses the social work method of “person in environment” to see the whole person, not just the problems that are presented. Known to social .
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Erblich: Stress und Trauma / MDR.DE ~ Gen-Forschung Erblich: Stress und Trauma Hauptinhalt. von Liane Watzel Stand: 23. August 2017, 18:28 Uhr. Von wegen, lange her! Das, was Eltern und GroĂźeltern im Krieg, in Gefangenschaft, im KZ .